Samadhi Rush Episode 201// Foundations of Practice: Ishvara Pranidhana

Samadhi Rush Episode 201// Foundations of Practice: Ishvara Pranidhana


Sweet doves, We’ve come to our third and final podcast in this series on the foundations of practice. (You can revisit the first two here & here.) As a reminder, these foundations come to us from 2.1 of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: tapah svadhyaya…
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Samadhi Rush Episode 200// Foundations of Practice: Svadhyaya

Samadhi Rush Episode 200// Foundations of Practice: Svadhyaya


HELLO! YAY! 200 Episodes! So excited to be together. I can hardly believe we have been together for 200 episodes. This episode features the second in a three-part series on the foundations of practice, or 3 pillars of practice as described by the Yoga Sutras.…
Continue reading Samadhi Rush Episode 200// Foundations of Practice: Svadhyaya

Samadhi Rush Episode 199// Foundations of Practice: Tapas

Samadhi Rush Episode 199// Foundations of Practice: Tapas


Love-Doves, Hi. So happy to be here together. This episode kicks off a 3-episode series on the 3 pillars of practice as described by the Yoga Sutras. These pillars are referred to as the foundations of practice in chapter 2, sutra 1. Here’s the text…
Continue reading Samadhi Rush Episode 199// Foundations of Practice: Tapas