Yoga for the runner.

kelly SUNROSE  

I cannot believe it’s been over a month since my last post. Dears, believe me, it is because I have been busy teaching lots of yoga. I taught the first in a three-part series on yoga for runners last weekend and am delighted to share the class with you here.

Please use this practice to restore and rejuvenate the body after and between runs. The practice is non-competitive. I suggest scaling back from your edge by at least 30 percent if you practice after a run or on the same day as a run. On these days, try to focus on finding the sukha or ease in the posture to cultivate balance in the body. The modified mantra used in this practice is wonderful to use during a run. I like to inhale “run-long” and exhale “run strong” to keep my focus on the breath and in my body. Let me know what you like!

Begin in a nice comfortable seated position. Inhale the spine long. Exhale and deepen your connection to the earth. This action translates well to a mantra of sorts (long-strong) that can easily be adapted for use during a run for when the “monkey mind” takes over and you begin questioning your abilities.

chakravakasana vinyasa; adho mukha svanasana; wide-leg + heart like a wheel.

warm-up vinyasa

heart like a wheel

The Asanas (Postures):
half-salutes; surya namaskar
Deep anjaney– let hip drop down on extended-leg side.

half salute.

variations on surya namaskar
Come to knees, eye of the tigress, twisted down dog, writer stretch on knees
tigress, adho muka svanasana, parivrtta adho muka svanasanawriter stretch
Adho mukha svanasana, Utthita parsvakonasana, virabhadrasana three, trikonasana, prasarita padottanasana (with arm variations)
adho mukha-parsvakona-virabhadrasana three.trikonasanaprasarita padottanasana

Focus on the Exhalation when the mind begins to talk, both in yoga and during a run.
Adho mukha svanasana, eka pada kapotasana, supta virasana, pascimottanasana, janu sirsasana, parivrtta janu sirsasana.
adho mukha svanasana, eka pada kapotasana, supta virasana, pascimottanasana, janu sirsasana, parivrtta janu sirsasana

Deep relaxation:
Supported matsyasana
Supta baddha konasana

Ultra supported matsyasana.Supta Badhakonasana.

Hip rolls
anjali mudra

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